API key management

The API keys of a Tech-Client are managed in the API keys tab.

Adminapp - menu Tech-Clients, tab API Keys

Each Tech-Client may have zero or more API keys. Click the Generate API key button to add a new API key.

The following attributes may be managed for each API key:


Each API key has a unique identifier. It is generated by Airlock IAM when the API key is generated and it cannot be changed.

The ID is used in log statements and when manipulating API keys using the Adminapp REST API.


The API key itself. The key should be transmitted to the Tech-Client over a secure and authenticated channel.

API keys allow a Tech-Client to access protected APIs. They should be treated as sensitive information.

Created at

Timestamp of the creation of the API key. The value cannot be changed.


This field may be used to add a description to an API key. For example, it can be useful to describe the reason for the key creation so another administrator can understand the purpose of the key.

Valid from/to

Defines the validity period of an API key. API keys are only accepted during their validity period. The values are optional.


Shows whether the API key is locked. Requests bearing locked keys are rejected by the Airlock Gateway.

Keys may be locked and unlocked by clicking the corresponding buttons.

Note that there is a similar lock mechanism for the Tech-Client.

Deleting an API key cannot be undone.

An accidentally deleted API key can only be replaced by providing a new key to this Tech-Client.