Testing and verification

KB - Verify Host Header sent corresponds to the IIS configuration

Affects product

  • Neutral

Question or problem

Verify that the host header sent corresponds to the IIS configuration (as outlined in Register SPN)

Procedure-related prerequisites

  • Configuration takes place in Airlock Gateway.
  • You must be logged in as an admin in the Airlock Gateway Configuration Center.
  • You need to be logged in as an administrator.
  • Configuration takes place in IIS web server.


  1. Test preparation in IIS 6.0:
  2. Go to: Administrative Tools >> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
  3. In the left span, expand the Web Sites node tree.
  4. Select Default Web Site and click on Properties in the context menu.
  5. The instructions describe the required steps for the Default Web Site.

  6. Change to the Web Site tab.
  7. Click on Advanced.
  8. Ensure that the configuration in the Advanced Web Site Identification dialog is correct.
  9. Click on OK to close the configuration dialog.
  1. Test preparation in IIS 7.5, 8.5 and 10.0:
  2. Go to: Administrative Tools >> Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
  3. In the Connections span, expand the Sites node tree.
  4. In the Connections span, select the Default Web Site and click on Edit Bindings... in the context menu.
  5. The instructions describe the required steps for the Default Web Site.

  6. Ensure that the configuration in the Site Bindings dialog is correct.
  7. Click on OK to close the configuration dialog.
  1. Test execution and verification:
  2. Go to: Application Firewall >> Reverse Proxy and edit the mapping of the web application for which Back-side Kerberos SSO should be used.
  3. Switch to tab Request Actions and check the configuration for (default) Translate Host Header.
  4. The rewritten Host Header matches the IIS configuration.
  • In case of failure:
  • Adapt the IIS or Airlock Gateway configuration.

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