Tab – Bot Management

Enforce client cookie support

If enabled, only clients implementing a Cookie-Store will be able to access the application through this mapping. In contrast to regular browsers, most bots do not implement a Cookie-Store and will therefore be blocked if this setting is enabled.

Source IP address allowlist

Requests originating from a client (e.g. a bot) with an IP address in the selected list are forwarded whether the client supports a Cookie-Store or not.

Well-Known Bot Exceptions

Check User-Agent

Check the User-Agent to determine if a bot is well-known and do not block such bots. Clients sending one of the following User-Agent header values are treated as well-known bots:

  • Googlebot
  • bingbot
  • MSNBot
  • Baiduspider
  • YandexBot
  • DuckDuckBot

Enforce source-domain

If enabled, a reverse IP lookup for well-known bots is performed to verify that the client's IP address belongs to the operator of a well-known bot. This prevents bots from pretending to be a well-known bot by sending a fake "User-Agent" header. The following domains are considered as domains of operators operating well-known bots:


Custom Bot Exceptions

Check User-Agent

If enabled custom bots are not blocked. Custom bots are identified by providing a "User-Agent" and "Source-Domain" pattern.

If "Check User-Agent" and "Enforce source-domain" are enabled, both patterns "User-Agent pattern" and "Source-domain pattern" have to match such that a request is not blocked.

User-Agent pattern

Do not block bots whose "User-Agent" header matches this pattern.

Enforce source-domain

Do not block bots whose source-domain matches the "Source-domain pattern".

Source-domain pattern

The "Source-domain pattern".

Ensure that the pattern ends with a "$" to prevent wrong matches (e.g. the pattern "\.example\.com$" should be used instead of "", since "" would also match "", "" and "" etc.).