
KB - Inspect the Airlock Gateway session

Affects product

  • Airlock Gateway

Question or problem

Inspect which Kerberos Users are set by Airlock IAM for a certain session.

Procedure-related prerequisites

  • You must be logged in as an admin in the Airlock Gateway Configuration Center.


  1. Test execution and verification:
  2. Go to: Log & Report >> Session Viewer.
  3. Search for the user's session, which should be impersonated and open the detail page.
  4. The section Kerberos Users lists the Kerberos users set by Airlock IAM.
  5. There are Kerberos users listed for the user's session and they fit to the Active Directory domain.
  • In case of failure:
  • In case there are no or the wrong Kerberos Users listed, check the Airlock IAM configuration.

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